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Real estate is real property that consists of land and improvements, which include buildings, fixtures, roads, structures, and utility systems. Property rights give a title of ownership to the land, improvements, and natural resources such as minerals, plants, animals, water, etc.

#1 Residential : Residential real estate consists of housing for individuals, families, or groups of people. This is the most common type of estate and is the asset class that most people are familiar with. Within residential, there are single-family homes, apartments, condominiums, townhouses, and other types of living arrangements.

#2 Commercial : Commercial property refers to land and buildings that are used by businesses to carry out their operations. Examples include shopping malls, individual stores, office buildings, parking lots, medical centers, and hotels.

#3 Industrial : Industrial real estate refers to land and buildings that are used by industrial businesses for activities such as factories, mechanical productions, research and development, construction, transportation, logistics, and warehousing.

We Want to develop your plot? One acre to two acre area is required for the development on which area is intended to build a row house or flat in the budget of all ordinary families, with subsidies and all the facilities a good housing project.

What is development??? Land owner's expenses Builder's place Construction of row houses and flats (buildings) on owner's place with all permission as per government rules will be done by the developer. The owner does not have to spend even 1 rupee. Only land N. A. All the necessary documents and certificates like Sat Bara, Alteration, Search Report, Government Census Map, City Survey Record Certificate, Residential Use Plan Certificate, Proposed Zone Map, Proposed Drawing etc., are to be collected and agreed upon and given to the plot developer. If there is a plot, if it is a raw plot, the place can be decided on the first (transaction of giving and taking). For example, suppose someone builds 100 houses on the area given to the development, out of which 40 houses will be owned by the land owner and 60 houses will be occupied by the builder. No deposit will be given. Even if the deposit is given, it is decided by seeing the place and it is on the principle of deposit return. There should be running water facility and light facility and there should be a road to the plot.